Discover the most important facts about our founders
You have probably heard about our founders: María Angustias Gimenez and María Josefa Recio. They, with the first eight Sisters, offer the female face of Hospitality: people committed in faith to the merciful liberation of women.
Our foundresses worked and fought actively. They were women of great character, determined, but always acting with tenderness and charity. In 1881, together with Saint Benedict Menni, they founded the Congregation of the Sisters Hospitallers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with the aim of helping women who suffered from mental illness and who, as a result, were abandoned and excluded. 141 years ago, our community was the first in Spain to provide comprehensive care for these women in need.
In this post, we honour these two great women with 4 very important facts about their lives that you probably didn’t know.
Scroll the gallery to learn more about the lives of these extraordinary women.