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Sisters from Monrovia, Liberia

News & Blog

Human Rights Day

Human Rights Day


10 December is the World Human Rights Day, where we commemorate the fundamental rights and demand a more fair and sustainable society for all.

Sr Isabel and John playing christmas music

Carol singing at St Teresa’s

UK News

We have organised a morning of carol singing at St Teresa’s with all our residents, to celebrate the beginning of Advent altogether!

ABBA at Footherley Hall

ABBA visits Footherley Hall

UK News

ABBA visits Footherley Hall Care Home to entertain our residents with their popular songs and dances. You can tell everyone had a great time!

Melluska's birthday at St Teresa's

Birthday celebrations at St Teresa’s

UK News

Is there anything more exciting than birthday celebrations at St Teresa’s? Happy birthday to MelluskaSr Cecilia and Sr Isabel!

Provincial Evaluation Assembly - Be a Hospitaller

International Conference of Lay Hospitallers


We are celebrating the International Conference of Lay Hospitallers, where we will share experiences with the Hospitaller charism!

Fátima Oliveira - Nurse at Palliative Care Unit (Portugal)

Palliative Care


One of our Nurses from Sisters Hospitallers in Portugal, shares her experience dealing with loss in the Palliative Care Unit.

Danilo Farnela - Humanism in the Hospitaller Project

Humanism in the Hospitaller Project


Read the article from our experts about humanism in the hospitaller project. This year’s theme for the articles is Pastoral in Healthcare.

Living Flame Youth Group

Living Flame Youth Group

UK News

Sr Isabel, from St Teresa’s, shares her experience with the Living Flame Youth Group. Do you want to know what a day with them looks like?

Residential care at St Augustine's care home

World Alzheimer’s Day


Today is World Alzheimer’s Day. There are currently more than 55 million people living with dementia worldwide, according to the WHO.

Advice from Iris - Lifetime of Wisdom

Lifetime of Wisdom – The best advice

UK News

This week we are celebrating our residents’ Lifetime of Wisdom through their best pieces of advice!