St Augustine’s HomeAddlestone, UK
Residential care
Our Community in Shenstone have been working very hard on their studies and getting together in prayer too, to express and evaluate the review of the Constitution, covering each different aspect. To the words of God through the gospel, by reviewing the ways of carrying out their mission as a Hospitaller.
The process of reviewing the Sisters Constitutions has helped to deepen our Sisters’ experience of the spirit of life in the church and the way the first community lived – continuing the Hospitaller mission of our congregation in union with laypeople to revitalize our following of Jesus with the identity, values and vision of the congregation.
Sr Bernardina concluded by saying ‘we call the constitution our Gospel, living the hospitality as consecrated life in the world.’
During this year all the communities of the congregation have been studying our rule of life: The Constitutions. With eleven booklets sent from the Commission in charge of preparing the study of the constitution with the view of its renovation, we studied, prayed and reflected on its contents in an atmosphere of fraternal sharing. It was a very enriching experience at a community level.
At the end of this year’s study, we all gathered to reflect together on how we have lived this experience, and what we have gained from it spiritually and in many other ways. We also marked the end of the study with fraternal celebration – enjoying a party very well-prepared by the community.
Residential care
Residential care
Residential care