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We are committed to make a change!

In short, we strive to bring dignity and care to people living with a mental health condition, without excuses. Every donation makes a difference.

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Children at Benito Menni Day Centre

None of our work would be possible without the great solidarity of our supporters. Furthermore, they make it possible for us to carry out our cause where it’s most needed.

As a result, we currently have active projects in Dompoase, Foso, and Monrovia (Africa). There, firstly, we foster general medical care for everybody. And, most importantly, the rehabilitation and reinsertion in society of mentally ill and disabled children and young adults.

However, these projects are always in need of funding, as they require continuous development for the people in need.

Support Our Cause

These are the areas that we cover with our cause in Africa:

Psychiatric Care

Providing care for children and young

adults living with mental disorders,

who are marginalised from society.

General Medicine and Emergencies

Offering medical service and treatment

to thousands of inhabitants of under

resourced areas in Africa.

Maternal and Child Health Care

Assisting mothers during birth and fostering

the prevention of mother-to-child disease


Our Projects

Sisters Hospitallers in Africa

At the moment, we have three ongoing projects in Africa, carried out in our centres in Liberia and Ghana. Therefore, these centres and projects are closely related and interdependent as they are both financed by our Province of England.

Most importantly, our presence in Africa is only possible thanks to our generous supporters. Furthermore, they help us bring hospitality to the mentally ill, who are at the heart of our cause and mission.