Blessed are those who have sensitivity for the excluded and take up the cause of the marginalised as their own, who become the voice of the voiceless and the advocates of lost causes.
For reflection
“God our Lord, in calling us to this Hospitaller Order of ours, has made us the object of a special predilection, for which we can never be sufficiently grateful.
For this reason, if, on the one hand, we can confidently hope that we will never lack the special assistance required by our hospitaller mission, on the other hand, the very excellence of our vocation also demands of us a greater and more exquisite care so as not to spoil it in the slightest, nor make it sterile in any way.
The mission of our Order is hospitality, dedicated exclusively to the care of the poor and the sick, especially the most needy”.
Hospitality in action
Putting ourselves in the shoes of excluded people and trying to understand their experiences and difficulties.
Concluding prayer
Saint Benedict, Samaritan of God, in the sick and poor brother. Saint Benedict, Hospitaller of God, you become the brother of all. Saint Benedict, your faith reveals the face of God in the brother you care for. Pray for us who are, for you, the face of God. Amen.
Pai Nosso, Ave Maria e Glória.