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We would like to share with you a video of 14 facts that have marked a before and after in our history

The province of England was founded on the 18th of August 1965. However, on that date our congregation already has 84 years of Hospitaller presence in the world and 45 in this nation.

First days in UK

The beginning of Sisters Hospitallers in the UK date in 1920, six years later of the death of our founder Saint Benito Menni. Thanks to the generosity of Miss Edith Renouf, the congregation was implanted in England.

The first Sisters that arrived at the pioneer house in Guernsey were Sr Margarita Becerro, Sr María Joaquina y Sr María de la Resurrección. Since 1920, the presence of Sisters Hospitaller in England continued growing with centres in London, Addlestone, Shenstone, Ireland and even cross borders to Africa and Thailand. Currently, the province is formed for the following centres distributed on UK and Africa: St Teresa Home in London, St Augustine Home in Addlestone, Footherly Home in Shestone, St Francis Xavier Hospital in Foso, Benedict Menni Rehabilitation Centre in Monrovia, and Benito Menni Hospital in Dompoase.

Throughout our history in the province of England we have achieved many milestones. Our presence went far beyond that, with centres in many places. Today we share with you a video with 14 curious facts about our province that you may not have known before.
We hope you enjoy them.  

Watch the video here