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Sisters from Monrovia, Liberia

News & Blog

Everything you need to know about donating blood


Donating blood costs nothing and saves thousands of lives every day. Today we share with you some tips for your blood donation

Investing in mental health: a crucial corporate essential


60% employees say they’d feel more motivated and recommend their organisation if their employer took action to support mental wellbeing.

Sacred Heart of Jesus Day 2024

UK News

The month of June is the month we dedicate to Honour the Sacred Heart of Jesus from which we draw our Spirituality.

Thousands of people off work because of mental health problems


Every month, more than 20,000 people are claiming incapacity benefit for mental health problems

General Chapter Video


Discover the best moments of our General Chapter. Watch the video here!

143 years of hospitality

Blog, Africa News, UK News

The Hospitaller family is present in more than 85 public health centers located in 25 countries, uniting humanity and science for the most needy

Why is sleep important for your mental health?


Sleep problems are a reality in the UK. As the latest research shows, 74% of British adults reported a decline in sleep quality in the last 12 months

Closing of the XXII General Chapter


On 26 May the General Chapter was closed, today we tell you everything that has happened in these incredible weeks

Did you know… Dr. Patrício Manuel da Silva Ferreira


Discover one of our value members each month in our post of Did you know…

Audience with Pope Francis


The meeting served to reflect on the value of hospitality in the light of the reality of people suffering from mental illness or disability.