15 collaborators from all the centres of the English Province joined this enriching and inspiring meeting that looked forward to the hospitaller future
As part of the programme of the I Assembly of the English Delegation, the meeting with the collaborators was held yesterday, 10th December. In this day where 15 collaborators from all the centres joined physically and online the 11 sisters participating in the assembly was inspiring, enriching and gave a glimpse of hope for the future of the congregation, as the participants themselves explained.
The meeting began at 9.30 a.m. with an opening prayer, centred on the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. During this intervention, led by Sister Iwona, a reflection was made on the image, which was the icon of the General Chapter and also of the Assembly. A reflection was urged on the gaze of Jesus who invites us to look at the kingdom of God and looks at us with mercy as well as on the compassion and example that this icon teaches us.
After this prayer, all the participants introduced themselves briefly and the Provincial Superior of the Delegation Sr Lourdes Sanz, welcomed and thanked the presence of all the collaborators, sisters and gave way to the welcoming speech of the General Superior Sr Idilia Carneiro.
“May we feel welcome and welcomed to this 1st Assembly enlightened by the Chapter theme, welcoming in each one of us the richness of the whole community of the Delegation”, explained Sr Idilia. During her opening speech, Sr Idilia emphasised the importance of this day of reflection and discernment on the great challenges facing the Delegation and the proposed lines of action for the next 3 years. “We would like to respond with a broad and conscious look to the challenges from the hospitaller style and being an institution of reference, not only for what we do but also from the identity of our values“.
The superior also highlighted the previous work done, both at the General Chapter and at Delegation level, and how this context “orients us towards a global vision with a single congregational body at the service of the most fragile and needy“.
She concluded this initial speech by explaining that we are all “part of the hospital tree, called to bear fruit, life, health, dedication and service“.
After this speech, the facilitator of the event explained the work methodology divided into groups focused on the selection of the most relevant objectives for the two action lines (Line III: Mercy, Expression of the Samaritan Church and Line IV: Mercy, evangelizing power). She stressed that it was also an exercise of trust, as two groups would focus on one line and the other 3 on the other, so they had to be confident in their colleagues’ choices.
The morning focused on group work on the objectives of the lines for the next three years. After this work, the secretaries of the 5 groups (Kevin Rusbridge, Addisu Mulugata, Eki Omoegie, Isma Law and Tina Boyland) met to finalise the objectives for each line.
During this meeting, the rest of the collaborators took a few minutes to share their feelings about the day. Many stressed that they had come to the day with nerves as it was their first time but that they were very satisfied and found it very enriching. Helpful was the adjective most used by the collaborators and the sisters who were grateful for this day of working together.
In addition, some of the collaborators also told personal stories about their experience of working with Sisters Hospitallers, saying that at the beginning they had some prejudices due to lack of knowledge or because they came from very different backgrounds, but that the reality was that the fraternity, joy and hospitality of the sisters had surprised them in a very positive way. For their part, the sisters pointed out the importance of holding these meetings in order to renew some of the ways of working and to learn new ideas.
After these reflections a stop was made where all the attendees enjoyed a delicious buffet prepared by the team of chefs from St Augustine’s whom we thank for their delicious food prepared with such dedication.
After this short break, it was time to present the objectives that the collaborators and sisters had selected for the lines of work. It was a very enriching exercise in which they reflected on these choices, looking at different approaches and with a lot of participation. This exercise was closed by inviting those present to summarise in one word what this day had been for them, highlighting: a hopeful look to the future, an enriching day, a very inspiring day, a commitment to the future, a good dynamic…
After this presentation it was time for Sr Idilia’s closing speech, who thanked those present for “reflecting on and walking together through the reality we live in, with the lights and shadows that this entails, but accepting the idea that the hospitaller charism concerns us all and broadens our vision, making us feel part of a universal body“.
The Superior General also reflected on the importance of humanising hospital work, being instruments of action that has eyes and hands, that reconciles care, assistance and technique and invites us to do good from the love of sharing a mission that is not ours, but that of Jesus who calls us to be part of his healing mission.