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Sisters from Monrovia, Liberia

News & Blog

Katie Liee, A career in care

A Career in Care – with Katie Lee

UK News

We had a great talk with Katie Lee, Deputy Manager at St Augustine’s, about pursuing a rewarding career and working in healthcare.

Mental Health Day at St Benedict Menni Mental Hospital

Mental Health Day

Africa News

St Benedict Health Center, in Liberia, joined the World’s Mental Health Day. They organised an event to discuss and raise awareness about issues concerning mental health.

French Morning at St Teresa's care home

French Morning

UK News

As part of our ’Visit a Country’ activity, this morning we have visited France and enjoyed a tasty breakfast while on a virtual tour of Paris.

Kevin Rusbridge, Managing Director at Sisters Hospitallers

Message from the Managing Director

UK News

As the UK prepares for another lockdown, our Managing Director wants to spread positivism and his best wishes for all families and business affected by it.

Entrance to St Augustine's care home

Maria Josefa’s Day

UK News

Maria Josefa’s Day at St Augustine’s has become a festive that we celebrate every 30th of October, to remember one of our co-founders!

Staff at Footherley Hall with a tray of cheese

Cheese and Wine Event

UK News

Our cheese and wine events are always popular with our residents at Footherley Hall, because we all have a fun day together!

Magic Table for residents with dementia

Magic Table for residents with Dementia

UK News

The residents at St Teresa’s Care Home, in London, have welcomed a new game to their daily activities: a magic table! We explain you what it is and its effect on residents with Dementia.